3-Piece Copper Kit:
1-Rack Tom
1-Floor Tom
1- Kick Drum
- Rolled and Welded Shells w/ 8ply Maple Reinforcement Rings
- Kick Drum Shell - 2mm Thick
- Floor Tom Shell - 1.5mm Thick
- Rack Tom Shell - 1.5mm Thick
Beavertail Lugs
2.3mm Triple Flange Hoops
Maple Kick Drum Hoops with Copper Inlay
Remo Heads
The bearing edges on the toms are cut at 45 degrees on the inside with a roundover on the outside.
Kick drum is a full roundover. Other variations available upon request.
Copper Hybrid Kit
Order Info.
All drums are made to order.
It can take 2-6 months for a full kit.